Our Services

We offer professional digitization services for photos, film, paintings, and printed materials:
*Flat Photography*
Digitizing paintings, prints, and old photos to preserve cherished memories.
*Scanning Services*
Digitizing various types and sizes of film, ensuring that every piece of art is permanently preserved.
Digital Flat Copy
Flat Copy primarily involves digitizing artworks, whether they are ink paintings, watercolors, oil paintings, photographs, or prints. After digitization, the files will be fine-tuned to reproduce the colors as closely as possible to the original artwork. The client will receive small-sized photographs to help understand the colors after output.
UV Inkjet
UV Inkjet 輸出系列,具備平版與卷軸噴繪功能,可於不同特殊物料上噴繪;
The UVjet machines are able to print on at bed or from roll to roll,
and apply to different materials. Its white ink printing function
allowed image to be perfectly printed on dark color surface like wood and glass surface.
Framing and Mounting Services
備有木製及鋁材框架訂造 /
Custom made wooden or aluminium frame